CALC-2: The 2nd Meeting of the Czech Association for Language and Cognition

23—25 November 2022

Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

Voršilská 1, Praha 1



Confirmed plenary speakers:

Anežka Kuzmičová (Prague)

Jordan Zlatev (Lund)

Organizing committee

Mirjam Fried
Jakub Jehlička
Michal Láznička

For any inquiries contact us at <jakub.jehlicka[at]>.

The event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund project “Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World” (reg. no.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).

Úvod > CALC-2