
Board of the Czech Association for Language and Cognition

After the nomination submission deadline, the only candidate for CALC president is Wei-lun Lu.

Voting is open from December 16 to December 19, 2024 (11:30 p.m.). CALC members will receive a link to the secret ballot by email.

If the candidate does not receive majority of votes, the election will be repeated.

Board of the Czech Association for Language and Cognition



Mirjam Fried | Charles University, Prague | <mirjam.fried[at]>



Eva Lehečková | Charles University, Prague


Scientific board:

Masako Ueda Fidler | Brown Univerzity, Providence, RI

Michaela Martínková | Palacký University, Olomouc

Irena Vaňková | Charles University, Prague



Jakub Jehlička | Charles University, Prague | <>

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